Interior Design,
If your planning a remodel, a designer is a step often overlooked,
Whether it’s a Kitchen or Bath, Master or a Laundryroom, a Designer can be a key component to a successful remodel,
Often, the contractor and homeowner, assume the role of design and layout,
A good designer ususlly has high spacial & abstract intelligence,
Very often a designer will come up with an idea or layout that the the homeowner or contractor overrlook,
Without a designer, homeowners often want to change the design or layout midway through the remodel, this often causes stress and sometimes conflict between homeowner and contractor, especially over the additional expense associated with such changes,
An experienced designer often sees space different than us an can present a more utilitarian view of the space,
Folks often turn to Facebook chats or spend countless hours on Pinterest trying to decide on on designs and layouts for their remodel, unfortunately there are so many opinions and ideas floating around that often we become more overwhelmed and stressed,
Finally, finding a designer is often difficult, some places don’t have any designers in their area, if there are designers in your area, you’ll want to find one that has the ability to get in your head and draw out of you a layout or design that works best for you an at the same time, they’ll help you see the space the space, a good designer realizes that there is a degree of psychology involved when it comes to interacting with clients, usually when your sitting with your designer, you’ll know this is the person for me, you’ll say things like “they get me”, or “they can think outside the box”
In the long run, a good designer will save alot of unnecessary expense, confusion and time, between the Contractor and Homeowner, and often they have a lot of great contractors on speed dial
So, if your planning a any type of remodel, your first call should be to a designer!